What's the best time to book hotels in Tobago? 06/30/2016

So you want to travel to Tobago but you're not sure when to go? You will have to ask yourself if you want to go when it's busy (usually when an event is taking place) or during slow periods. Peak period is usually December 15 to April 30 and low season is usually May 1 to December 14. We personally like to go when it's slow as beaches in Toabgo are usually less crowded. Another perk of visting Tobago in slow periods is that you will have more Tobago hotel options to pick from. Another factor to consider is the season and climate. Dry season is between December and May and rainy season is between June and November. What's great about Tobago is that it's outside of the hurricane belt, so you do not have to worry about a hurricane ruining your stay! If cost is a factor for deciding when you should stay, flight tickets and hotels are usually cheaper in May, June, Septmember, October, and November. Factor in these tips so you can figure out the best time to book your Tobago stay. 



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